Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Part of the raver's code of life. PLUR, this the L part, well beginning with the P part.

Monday, October 29, 2012


This is my first gif. It's the intro to a british show called Misfits. This was so touchy and eventually I just started over and then it worked perfectly.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Front Street Kitchen

We had a design competition for our graphic design class, this is my entry for it. I'm pleased with it, and I'm happy the gradient worked for the wooden spoons. Never use the wood grain effect in Illustrator... It just looks like cork board! Anyway, I enjoyed doing this and I hope Front Street Kitchen likes it :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Typeface portrait

Bryan Wilson created with text, different fonts and letters. This one was super entertaining.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Extra Credit Pop Art

This is a Pop Art of Niall Horan, from the boy band One Direction. Tease me all you want, I still love him. And I love how this picture turned out!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Creating My Own Typography

This is my creative typography of my my name. I got tired of trying to think of very complex letters and thought it would be nice to try and be as simplistic as possible. I'm very happy with this and it was extremely easy to do. Just a few lines and it can spell my name through... negative space? is that the correct term?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


     Helvetica originated in Switzerland in 1957 and it's original name was Die Neue Haas Grotesk; meaning the Swiss Typeface. The first name was too long and foreign to produce in the U.S. so they changed the name to Helvetica.
     Some designers that appeared in the film were Rick Poyner, Lars Müller, Stefan Sagmeister and Matthew Carter.

Here is some work by Rick Poyner: 

Here is some work by Lars Müller:

Here is some work from Stefan Sagmeister:

Here is some work by Matthew Carter:

I found an example of Helvetica in our classroom:


Helvetica brought Swiss design movement to popularity. Some other design styles mentioned in the film, Helvetica, are Modernism:



This documentary had me thinking more about how graphic design is a strong way to express yourself and your individuality. It also is crazy to me how often Helvetica is used in my every day life. "The seen cannot be unseen" -Seth Wilson 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Typography!! Yay! So this is a quote a found online by Lewis Carrol. I think it was a better choice from my earlier quote, more appropriate.
This one was fun :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sugar Skull

Sugar skulls look really cool. This one was very very complex and it was a bit challenging but it was fun. I think I could've added more blue around the whole thing, but the yellow just kind of took over whenever I thought I should put blue. I like this.